How Micro Location Services Are Changing The Game In Various Industries?

We had no idea that technologies like Google Maps and GPS would ever exist back in the day. Now, just take a look around you; most of the services you are entitled to right now are somewhat connected to these technologies. But that’s not it; just like anything else, they are not perfect. Both these technologies share some accuracy limits. GPS, for instance, typically has a resolution measured from roughly 3 to 15 meters.
It may not seem much, but it is a big issue which micro-location service providers are doing their best to resolve. Micro location helps to enable a plethora of applications. While the technology is capable of offering indoor navigation, the potential applications are vast in nature. 
The Use Cases of Micro Location
Detecting car parts or cars in massive parking lots 
Whether you believe it or not, micro-location came into existence just to streamline manufacturing. This technology helps carmakers locate a missing part which they somehow forget to install. 
This is the kind of technology that carmakers can integrate into their vehicles to enable smart parking and other useful features. 
Auto following drones 
Most of the high-end drones out there come packed with a follow-me function, which is a great feature, especially when you want to make a video of yourself. Until recently, most drones used facial recognition and form recognition technology with high-resolution cameras. 
However, for technology like that, you have to have deep pockets. But, micro-location is something that can do the same and that too at a fraction of the cost. 
Preventing accidents 
You may not realize it, but micro-location has the potential to prevent accidents. Cyclists and pedestrians can equip themselves with micro-location tags to communicate with connected cars that are as far as 200-m away to help avoid collisions. 
The same principle and micro-location for logistics can prevent accidents in big manufacturing facilities. Employees with tags could communicate their position to connected vehicles. If a worker gets too close to the vehicle, it stops automatically.
Making places like hospitals safer 

With all the other issues going on around in the healthcare industry, waste and inefficiency continue to cause serious malfunctions. A recent study has disclosed that medical errors were the third-leading cause of death in the United States. 
Micro-location can help both doctors and clinicians keep track of their assets, ensuring that the right medicines are used for the right patients. 
In the End 
It may seem irrelevant at first, but what micro-location service providers are offering to businesses across the globe, things are only expected to turn out to be extremely efficient. Micro location is exactly what you can expect from the future, and it looks like we are not that far from its access.


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