Aspects That Make Micro-Location Services Futuristic

Micro-location is probably one of the most confusing terms out there. But that doesn’t mean it is a complicated piece of technology; it is rather simple and straightforward. Micro-location services help the service provider pinpoint a person’s placement within a few inches or even feet. Now you must be thinking, isn’t this what GPS is capable of doing? Well, you’d be surprised to know they are quite different from each other. While GPS can only determine geo-location, micro-location can determine location more precisely both outdoors and indoors. Technology has come a long way, and it is now being used in many different industries. Significant Use Cases As said earlier, micro-location has come a long way, and nowadays, it somewhat depends upon the collaboration of a handful of technologies. These technologies include: Beacons Bluetooth Virtual beacons Near Field Communication (NFC) Now that you know what kind of technologies it encompasses, it’s time to enl...